“Many people say that Sweden is just a small country, and it doesn't matter what we do, but I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.”

- Greta Thunberg

Plant-Centric Nutrition and the Environment

Our choices matter and it matters how we act and live on this earth. Climate change is altering our environment and we have to realize that the way we are living and what we are putting on our plates has a major impact on our planet and her health. The fact that we don’t include our dietary choices into the climate change discussion is rather unsettling considering that our water is polluted by factory farms, the cattle industry contributes to global warming and deforestation, and we are using up many resources like water and crops to feed a few animals when these resources could potentially solve the hunger problems in the world.

Please note that the GLR has not read every book or viewed every documentary and by sharing these resources is not wholly endorsing any particular book or documentary. Our goal is to give quick and easy access to the documentaries categorized in the topics health, factory farming and environment, so you can explore them yourself. The Living Kindly and Vegan Calculator websites have comprehensive lists with descriptions of many documentaries we are encouraging you to watch and Vegan.com has a comprehensive list of books to these topics as well.